Find us between Frome and Bruton in the village of Wanstrow
We are situated in newly built, sustainable, single storey units at Redwood Rare Breeds Farm, Wanstrow, where we can offer our members and visitors an inspirational setting in which to weave and spin.
Contact us to arrange a time to come and visit us if you are interested in joining the group or drop in at the following times:
TUESDAY 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 3pm
SATURDAYS by arrangement
Frome Weavers Spinner & Dyers is a group of people who enjoy developing the skills of WEAVING, SPINNING and DYEING in the company of other like-minded people.
We have a wide range of experience, interests and abilities in the group and contribute by sharing what we know and taking the time to help each other.
Everyone is welcome to join regardless of ability or experience.
We are fully equipped with a variety of spinning wheels, table and floor looms and all the equipment necessary to use them.
We also run courses and open events and regularly hold exhibitions and sales.
Our Charitable Objects are:
To further the preservation skill excellence and improvement of craftsmanship in weaving spinning and dyeing for the benefit of the public in Frome and to advance public education in such craftsmanship.
(Registered Charity No: 1180975)
Member of the Association of Guilds of Weavers Spinners and Dyers